AGE Reader

Non-invasive cardiovascular risk assessment

Patient friendly diagnosis, Personalized care & Preventing disease

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AGE Reader in professional health assessment

The easy, non-invasive measurement procedure make the AGE Reader an ideal tool for health assessment in various settings.  Offering AGE reader measurements additionally as part of medical check-ups for patients, private persons, pharmacies and companies helps to enhance a healthy lifestyle. Therefore it improves the health situation of patients.

What do we measure with the AGE Reader?

The AGE Reader measures glycated proteins in tissue: AGEs (Advanced Glycation Endproducts). AGEs play a central role in the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes (and its complications). AGEs accumulate over a person’s lifetime, but this process occurs more rapidly in patients with conditions such as diabetes mellitus, renal failure and cardiovascular disease.  In addition AGEs play an active role in the development of vascular complications.

Interpretation of measurement

The AGE Reader measurement result consists of an easy to interpret cardiovascular risk report. The measurement result is compared with the reference values of healthy subjects. A colour coded graph displays this information. The green and yellow areas indicate there is no increased risk. If the measurement result is in the orange or red area this indicates there is an enhanced accumulation of AGEs in tissue. This results in an increased risk of having or developing cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Follow-up of AGE Reader results

Measurement results of the AGE Reader in the green and yellow area indicated a normal result for healthy individuals. It could therefore be interesting for them to learn more about AGEs and obtain advice on lifestyle measures they could take to manage their levels of AGEs.

If the AGE Reader measurement result is in the orange or red area for a non-diagnosed person it is recommended to consequently check other risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Additionally, these test can consist of measuring blood pressure as well as a number of blood tests such as a lipid profile + HbA1c or glucose. If during these test it is found that more risk markers are present it is recommended to perform additional tests focused on specific medical conditions.

Advantages AGE Reader in professional health assessment

  • Easy to use by anyone
  • Non-invasive quicktest (12 seconds)
  • Early detection of cardiovascular diseases
  • Ideal for large scale screening especially company health screenings
  • Innovative health screening
  • Motivation tool for patients
  • Monitor effects of therapies

Therefore with this professional preventive concept and screening method, cardiovascular screenings and diagnostics becomes easier to fulfil and understand.

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The AGE Reader App!
The new AGE Reader App allows you to generate a comprehensive Cardiovascular Risk Report based on the AGE Reader measurement. For each patient all visits can be documented and consulted in the easy to use App.
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About the company

More information about Diagnoptics.

Information for patients

Information on Diagnoptics' products and Advanced Glycation Endproducts.

Information for professionals

Information about Advanced Glycation Endproducts, the AGE measurement and clinical validation.